Common questions about employment at RTI.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the hiring process look like at RTI?
Great question, want to work with our amazing team and make a difference in someone’s life? This is what you should expect:

  • Apply to the position that interests you. (If you were referred, make sure you put their name down too.)
  • The recruiter will review your application and contact you- typically within 48 hours.
  • If you meet the qualifications, we will contact you to schedule a 10-15 minute phone screen at your earliest convenience.
  • We then review the information you shared with us during the phone call.
  • Then next step would be inviting you back for a more formal 60 min interview.
  • If we think you would be a good fit with RTI, we will then contact you see if you’d like to join our team.
Is there room for advancement?
Absolutely! A vast majority of our directors and managers started at an entry-level role at RTI. We our proud of how often we promote from within and prioritize offering excellent career paths to our employees. If you are interested in advancing your mental health career, but are not aspiring to be a manager, you can also apply to our more clinically oriented roles such as Case Manager or ARHMS practitioner once you meet the requirements. Advancing your career in the mental health field can be confusing, we make it easy.
What does the day-to-day job look like?
It’s going to depend on what program you’re a part of and who you’re working with that day. Every person who we serve at RTI has their own individual strengths and their areas where they need help. Though we serve people with a variety of disabilities, the majority of people receiving our services are struggling with an aspect of their mental health. Depending on what program you’re in, you might be able spend a lot of time helping just a couple of individuals (and becoming a significant person in their lives) or you might work with a larger number of people (10-15) and spend shorter, more focused times helping them work toward their goals.

We're a growing organization that offers flexible hours and growth opportunities.

We offer a variety of Full-Time and Part-Time positions. Be the difference by making a difference.